12 May 2002

Exciting Deadly Mantis News Item:

Today we got what appears to be a visit from Katie Granju of loco parentis. I had linked to her site in passing on tuesday, may 07. Anyway, she's a real live A-list blogger with actual readers and a link on instapundit and everything. Furthermore, so far from what I've read she wins the best name for a blog contest hands down. I mean bilingual puns are pretty cool when one of the languages is in english (for example for those of you who know American Sign Language and spoken english (as opposed to written english, not as opposed to signed english which ASL is not), the famous "past-your-eyes milk"-joke), but a latin/spanish pun? that's just great.

Anyway her blog is all about the joys and trials of parenting and promoting increased parental involvement. For a good example of her writing at its best, see her may 6th posting on infants sleeping with their parents. Anyway, her blog is generally quite good. although its from a perspective that many of us at harvard might find a little anti-career anti-feminist, its certainly not in a sexist way and she makes a lot of good points, check it out and let me know what you think.

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