24 June 2002


so... I still think they should have ended it with the arrest. I think you still know that the system is wrong and can happily guess that something will happen to get rid of it...

I think you guys are missing the important key to alec's supposed plot hole, and i'm surprised Nat "kissinger was deep throat" Chakeres didn't come up with it himself... What happens at the end of the movie? What's the final result? The supposedly innocent "pre-cogs" are set free and left to live an idyllic government funded life in a beautiful cabin. So let me ask, who has something to gain from this whole series of events? Follow the money... I'm telling you its the precogs. Agatha set up the whole vision thing. She can see the future (they tell you at the beginning its just murders, but as the movie goes on you see that's a lie that's been propogated by the vast precog conspiracy). She knows that Burgess is trying to set up Anderton. She fakes the vision. Don't put it past her, she is "the leader" of the precogs... Follow the money, Agatha sets up the whole thing, and gets all the benefits...

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