20 November 2002

So i was just looking back through my old credit card statements to try to track down some payments i thought i had made. Its really quite fascinating to see your life go buy in purchases...

I see FOOD LION #0425 S4C BLACKSBURG VA and remember that this is the bill for wine which i bought to give one of my best friends from home as a hospitality gift. He and i mostly polished off one of the bottles, which was actually the first time he and i had ever drank together.

I see AMTRAK 1488960074710 EUGENE OR and remember that as the last 5 minutes my ex-girlfriend and i were in the same place and together, train pulls off at 5am and wave out the window, almost cinematic.

I see GREYHOUND LINES #0406 BOSTON and remember walking around New York City at 1am talking with a friend.

I love corporate america taking care of my being an emotional packrat for me.

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