08 December 2002

Salon's advice columnist is talking about making amends today, which i think is a dying art and we could all use a read.

Not quite as forceful as his wonderful quote on apologies to the cheater last week, but more generally applicable. But that one was still a doozy, i couldn't link to it because it required a subscription but here was the key quote:

"You must suffer that grievous shock of self-recognition where you say,
Holy shit, that was me that did that, wasn't it? It wasn't my hormones,
it wasn't the alcohol or the man's attractiveness -- that was me, just
deciding on my own to go have an affair! Wow.

"Once you see that you simply did these things because you felt like it,
perhaps you will be a little humbled and you will see why one might be a
little outraged that you are asking how you can "end this and still feel
some sense of power and control."

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