22 January 2003

Can't figure out where to send your pre-schooler? Let the New York Times help -- with its reviews of the top exclusive pre-schools in Manhattan. My favorite quotes:

"Episcopal tries to maintain a balance between support and challenge. But to ready children for competitive elementary grades, the curriculum emphasizes the latter, especially prereading and phonics."

Competitive elementary grades?? Are they trying to get their kids burned out before they hit age 10?

"'Some 2 year olds show up with a c.v. attached to their application,' said Mitten Wainwright, former director of the Park Avenue Christian Day School, a solid nursery school with a long list of graduates placed in good kindergartens. The curriculum vitae might list prenursery classes and participation in the prestitious Madison Play Group at Madison Presbyterian Church."

Do these people realize that the rest of the world is laughing at them? I wonder how many pages those c.v.s are -- at one page, my resume has 320 words. For a three year-old, that's about one word for every 3 and a half days of the little tyke's life. Yes, a child needs a safe and stimulating environment to develop fully, but prenursery classes and prepping preschoolers for competition just isn't necessary. Can't they be kids for a while?

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