13 February 2003

The Pet Shop Boys have a new album out, by the way, which is currently at the top of the Billboard electronic charts. Which isn't saying much; probably fewer people in this country will end up buying this album than buy Avril Lavigne's latest on any given Tuesday. I have nothing against Avril Lavigne, by the way, except that I pass an enormous billboard of her pouty face on my way to work every morning. ("Come on, you know you'd hit that," I imagine Haiwen saying.)

But anyway...Disco 3 is great electronic fun, especially for those of us who thought that their last album, the guitar-driven Release, was something of a disappointment. (See the very first post on this blog for details.) The best part, in a way, is that for complicated reasons I can no longer update my iPod with new songs, which means that I can only listen to this album when I get home from work. Hence a CD which otherwise would have been overplayed within a week remains surprisingly fresh, which is nice.

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