11 April 2003

That does sound like a good song... If you ever want to email me mp3's I will definitely listen to them (ooops, that's illegal isn't it... maybe I should get this Songbook thing anyway).

What do you all think of the internet cult of personality surrounding Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saaeed Al-Sahhaf? He's really become a celebrity of late.

As for the causally saying "my boyfriend" (or "my girlfriend"), a couple points. Firstly, not-so-subtle hints that someone isn't interested in dating you are important, its one of the best ways to tell the difference between someone who thinks you're fun to talk to and someone who wants to date you. There are definitely different rules of interaction between single people and non-single people, and its important to get on the right page quickly. Another way of saying this... Its like when you're on the phone and you say "i need to go soon," and well of course you could just go whenever you want to, but you're not really wanting to, but this gets you on the same page and the person is supposed to help you wind down the conversation. In the same way letting someone know you aren't single can say "look, even if i kinda like you [read don't really want to hang up the phone], now you know my situation and can help me handle this right." Grrr... This example would make more sense if I were talking to Laura, but its the only analogous situation I can think of. As for calling people by their given name, I also like that, but at least the first time you mention someone they need a tag that explains in what way they're important. As for "ex-girlfriend" i use it once and a while, mostly for things that don't have to do with the person in particular (such as the above comment that this comment would make more sense if said to Laura, because she's Laura not because she's my ex) whereas "my ex-girlfriend" is more appropriate for just sort of general bitter remarks that aren't as person specific. (I'm reminded of the line from Hi-Fi: "Believe me, I could make a list of things which drove me nuts about Laura, but they're just your usual woman/schizo stuff.")

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