02 October 2003

Tommorow my union is going on strike... It's kind of odd.

he UAW Local 2865 Bargaining Team has called for a 1 day unfair labor
practice strike at all UC campuses on Friday, October 3, to protest the
University of California's continuing pattern of unfair labor practices in
our contract negotiations.

Striking means we don't perform any of our assigned work duties including
teaching, consulting with students about class work, and emailing or
posting assignments. It also means not making up "struck work" later in the term.

UAW Local 2865 members should report to the main picket site at Telegraph
and Bancroft from 7:30 am to 5 pm. We are encouraging people to go on
campus and demand the services that aren't there because of the strike over UC's
unfair labor practices.

Finally, if your department communicates anything to you concerning this
strike, it is vital that you forward it to the Union office. For more information, contact the Union office.

I can't really see myself picketing, but not grading tommorow in support of the strike doesn't seem like such a bad idea...

I really just want to see haiwen's comment on grad students pretending to be "workers."

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