10 March 2005

Many thanks to Frank Rich in today's New York Times, who has brought my attention to what sounds like the funniest movie ever made: The Aristocrats, which hopefully will be released somewhere later this year. A longer review can be found here. Basically, it's a movie featuring one hundred comedians telling different versions of the same dirty joke, which goes something like this:
A couple goes into a talent agent's office. He says, what's your act? and they say, we go on stage and screw for three hours. And he says, what are you called? and they say, we're the Aristocrats.
The beginning and the end of the joke is always the same. The middle is an excuse for the comedian to toss in whatever scatological image he can imagine. Typical versions of the joke feature bestiality, incest, and sodomy. Every comedian has his or her own version, and the cast of the movie, which was shot cheaply on digital video, includes Robin Williams, Hank Azaria, Louis Black, George Carlin, Gilbert Goffried (whose version of this joke is legendary), Eric Idle, Penn Jillette, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Don Rickles, Chris Rock, and John Stewart. I'm not sure why the idea of The Aristocrats tickles me so much, but it does. I haven't even seen it yet, and I'm already cracking up here at my desk.

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