13 September 2005

I'm taking a few days off from work, mostly to unwind after a challenging couple of weeks. I was hoping to write or at least think about writing, but I've been spending most of my time watching the Verbal Kint, er, I mean, John Roberts confirmation hearings. It's great television. My favorite moment so far:
Senator Herbert Kohl: Judge Roberts, in an October 3, 1983, memo you wrote that while you served as associate White House counsel for the Reagan administration, you expressed support for judicial term limits. You did specifically support the idea of limiting judicial terms to 15 years and you said, I quote, to ensure that federal judges would not lose all touch with reality through decades of ivory tower existence, unquote. And do you still support in theory the idea of judicial term limits?

Roberts: You know, that would be one of those memos that I no longer agree with, Senator.
After watching this stuff for hours, I don't really have any more insight into Roberts, except—surprise!—that he’s charming, funny, articulate, and as smart as all get out, even when he isn't revealing anything. Where did they find this guy? It’s like he was built in a laboratory.

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