23 March 2008

I was inordinately pleased to see this article in the New York Times Magazine discussing Obama's candidacy from a biracial perspective. It's a charming essay, even if most of its points about "the future of race in this country, the paradigm and paradox of its simultaneous intransigence and disappearance" aren't exactly new. Along with the recent piece about Obama's mama, it helps me own up to a fundamental fact: I relate to Barack Obama. I know that I'm not alone in this—the guy is a blank screen—but until recently, it always made me feel a little silly. But should it? I'm not going to rehash my own life story, or Obama's, but I can't help feeling that this is the first presidential candidate in history with whom I have anything in common. (Well, I guess a few of these guys went to Harvard, too...but you know what I mean.)


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. You are as introspective as Adams, as corruptible as Harding and anyone who has ever dined with you in Brooklyn will attest that you wield the veto privilege in a manner uncannily Bushlike.

Alec said...

Was Adams introspective? I should probably know this, but I don't have HBO.

Anonymous said...

what has corrupted you alec?