17 September 2002

So Noah, were you really surfing the internet at 4:20 am, or did you just forget to change your time zone?

Yom Kippur was interesting. I went to my synagogue for the first time in four years, and it was nice to hear all the familiar tunes. The choir, however, was dreadful, and poorly miked on top of it. For the concluding service my mom and I went to my grandfather's synagogue, where the choir (and the cantors) were much better but I didn't know any of the tunes.

I don't know if your theory holds, Noah, since the holiday is about asking God for forgiveness, not people against whom you've sinned. Basically you get to wipe the slate clean of all the sins you've committed against God in the last year. People you have to deal with them on your own, and there's no specific holiday for that.

Rosh Hashana last week was also interesting...I ended up going to services at Stanford Hillel, which is much less hard core than Harvard Hillel. I volunteered for an honor in the Torah service, and I had to give them my father's Hebrew name, since they announce me as "David son of ---." However, I didn't know his name, so I made something up, and gave them my mother's name as well, which I did know. They didn't give me too many dirty looks...

That first first line isn't really one line. But I am jealous of the fondue.

Another problem with remaining subscribed to Adams-Schmooze, besides the fact that you get a thousand messages about used futons (including Flora asking for a frame to go with our mattress), is that it can quickly put you over quota, and since our accounts are expired you can't delete anything. This is my current problem. And help@fas is ignoring me, probably because I'm not a fas address.

Now I get to unpack all of my stuff and decide what I'm bringing to England. The fun never ends. Oh, and there is some kind of justice in the world: my room is about as far east of the center of campus as the quad is from Adams, and the math building is equally far west. Looks like I'm going to need a bike. And some good rain shoes.

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