03 April 2003

For the past half a dozen years I have Ross dreams somewhat regularly (I don't know how regularly since I so rarely remember dreams after I wake up). Traditionally these involve showing up at some place that's supposed to be Ross (but never is, in any real way) and the first day happening and lots of people there, and I don't know what, they don't particularly make sense. Over the past year or so this recurring dream has morphed into a rather different one which I call "7th summer" dreams, in which the events of last summer and fall take place at Ross (at one point after waking up I had to physically count the summers on my hand to conclude that no those things didn't ever happen at Ross), needless to say they aren't terribly pleasant, and I hadn't had one in a while, which was nice. At any rate this week I've started having "8th summer" dreams, which are clearly meant to take place during the upcoming summer. They're weird as dreams are meant to be, for example todays involved Prof. Lenstra giving a lecture in a dorm room to a bunch of people (including me, and oddly enough, haiwen) and then people leaving and I forget what happened precisely then. And then later on it hit the main 8th summer theme, which is that Laura is at the program, but I'm clearly trying to avoid ever running into her or talking to her and then at some point in the dream I do, and its awkward and she acts like she wants me to be pleasant and I don't want to be pleasant or I'm confused as to whether I'm going to acknowledge her existence or not (I think this time I was pleasant and last week I wasn't) and then of course I wake up (and hence remember the dream). Its strange. But what's really strange is having Ross dreams for half a dozen years and having them change to reflect what's happened in the meantime. I wonder how long it'll be before I stop having dreams about Ross, I guess you spend 6 summers there and it takes a while to leave your system.

I also this morning had a long dream about being at this Indigo Girls concert, I don't remember the details at all beyond telling myself that no I shouldn't flirt with any of the girls in the audience because of course none of them date guys. Surely more happened in the dream, but that's all I remember.

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