10 December 2003

GOAT, the enormous Taschen coffee table book about Muhummad Ali, is the first book in a while to be advertised in terms of its weight and other vital statistics: 75 pounds, 792 huge pages, 3,000 images, and an unbelievable 600,000 words. It's modestly advertised as "the greatest gift of all time," and more:
We were on a mission to do something that was significant and meaningful and could pass on knowledge and philosophy, as well as something that's a piece of art. We all shared the vision that this is more than a coffee-table book, but the most comprehensive piece of work ever done on anybody in the history of mankind, period.
All in all, it sounds like the sort of vaguely terrifying Uberbuch that Borges might have dreamed up. (Well, maybe not.) None of this comes cheap, of course; at $3,000, GOAT is approximately the price of six Codexes Seraphiniani, so it might be a while before I pick up a copy. If it were about Tom Cruise, well...

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