12 March 2004

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article today about the Luncheon Club at the New York Stock Exchange, which has closed its doors due to lack of business. It's subscription only, so I can't link to the article (I've been using my company's account), but I thought that this paragraph was worth a chuckle:
To appease its captive crowd, the Club hired a nutritionist to consult with traders and tailor menus. At her suggestion, more turkey and salads are eclipsing the once-ubiquitous burgers and fries. From the bar, traders now can order Liquid Assets (soup), Opening Bell (starters), A Light Trading Day (salads), Blue Chip Special, Preferred Stock (meat), Offshore (fish), Dividends (dessert) and Commodities (fruits).
Yep, this is the sort of thing that amuses me these days.

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